The date is September 11, 2001. The sunrise over New York City in the United States was adding to another busy morning, but no one could have imagined that it would be an unforgettable day for the whole of America. The World Trade Center in New York was open as usual. But another dangerous plan was being hatched elsewhere in the United States. Eighteen terrorists, led by al Qaeda terrorist Mohamed Ata, were preparing to carry it out.
Terrorist Mohamed Ata and terrorist Abdul Aziz Al Omari arrive at around 6.45 am East Standard Time at Boston Logan International Airport. At 6.52 am, Marwan al Shehi called Mohamed Atta from another terminal at Boston Logan International Airport to confirm the attack. Meanwhile, terrorist Siad Zara and his team arrived at around 7.03 am at Newark International Airport.
Also, at around 7.15 am, Khalid Al Mihdhar and his team arrived at Dallas International Airport in Washington. They carry only small knives. In those days, American aviation law allowed passengers to carry knives less than 4 inches long.
With that permission, they took advantage and launched the September 11 attacks, the biggest attack in the history of the United States.
KBW Sapumohotti